Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Facebook is where people wanna be

Well, it's safe to say that 90% of people these days between the ages of 14 - 40 use facebook on a daily basis. This is why I have chosen to write todays post on what my friends like to call FB! It is the perfect medium to advertise as it has a huge consumer base. The reach of this site caters to over 130 million active users. It attaches socials actions about your business or your ad and creates a demand for your product with relevant ads. Advertising is done throughout each page entered along the sides of your FB page. I think this is a great way to reach the target. You can also optimize your ad on facebook by tracking it's progress with real-time reporting and gain insight by finding out who's clicking on your ad. I, personally check out the ads and will click on them to learn more. Big ups to Facebook! :D

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