Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Interactive Advertising

Interactive advertising is defined by using online or offline interactive media which is communicated to consumers to promote products, brands, services, etc. In today's society it is looked upon as one of the best way to create awareness.  People of all ages use the internet daily, and with just a click of a button they can see the newest advertisements. With no purchase necessary, clients and advertisers are trying to use this medium because it is a cheap and has mass appeal. 

Different types of interactive advertising:

Web Site: A grouping of Web pages that are linked together so that you may easily flow from one page to the next. It is often used to describe the information that one individual, company, or entity puts on the Web.

E-mail: Email advertising is like a low cost direct marketing.

Banner: A typically rectangular graphic element which acts as an advertisement and entices the view to click it for further information.

Newsgroup: An electronic bulletin board open to everyone and divided into tens of thousands of subjects. Only a handful of newsgroups permit the posting of advertising.

Pop-up Windows: Small windows that spring onto your monitor while Internet pages are loading. It typically used to drive up traffic statistics.  

Splash Page: An initial Web site page used to capture the user's attention for a short time as a promotion or lead-in to the site home page or to tell the user what kind of browser and other software they need to view the site. 

Instant Messaging and other types follow along these lines.

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